Registration for the upcoming OGGM training is now open

LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan, 10-16 March 2023

Posted by Anouk Vlug on January 27, 2023

In March 10-16, 2023, we will offer the Glacier modelling: Practical applications with the Open Global Glacier Model training at LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan, in collaboration with the Himalayan University Consortium. This event is open to Pakistan based applicants and is free of charge! The workshop has a specific focus on the region and has a larger training component than the annual OGGM workshops. More information about the training and how to apply can be found in the following flyer.

Especially to those of you that are now a little disappointed to not be eligible for this training, we will soon announce the next annual OGGM workshop! The workshop will take place at the end of summer in Edinburgh, Scotland, and will be announced via the usual channels (cryolist, OGGM slack and off course here in the news section).