In the context of Fabien’s visit to the IGE in Grenoble, we will organize an afternoon tutorial for all lab members interested in OGGM.
Tuesday May 18th!
- 15H-15H45 (CEST): general presentation and discussion
- 16H-18H (CEST): online tutorials
Via zoom, unfortunately. The room link will be shared internally: contact us if you didn’t receive it!
Anybody from the IGE interested in OGGM and glacier modelling in general! The first part (presentation) will be very general and tailored for a general audience of glaciologists and glacier modellers. The second part (tutorials) is for the curious and interested alike, who would like to see how OGGM is built and run it themselves “on the cloud”.
What will we do?
Part I (15H00-15H45): presentation of the OGGM project.
- Objectives of the OGGM project: OGGM as a “modelling framework”
- Current developments and future plans (read: the science questions we are trying to address)
- What OGGM does not intend to be (and why it is only useful for certain applications)
- Open discussion
Part II (16H-18H): online tutorials.
- Getting started: building blocks of OGGM, model fundamentals
- Hydrological applications (in construction): a fun application of OGGM
- Based on interest / demand: projections or ice thickness estimation with OGGM, using your own inventory / bed thickness with OGGM, etc…
Do I need to prepare anything?
No! The tutorials will run online on OGGM-Hub. Some experience with Python and Jupyter Notebooks is useful, but not mandatory.
Nicolas Champollion, Fabien Maussion.