An interactive platform to learn (and teach)
about glaciers

ACINN Graduate Seminar, 03.06.2020

Fabien Maussion, Patrick Schmitt, Zora Schirmeister
Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN)
University of Innsbruck


The "Förderkreis 1669 – Wissenschafft Gesellschaft"

Google's nonprofit "Data Solutions for Change" program

OGGM-Edu contributors:
Lizz Ultee, Daniel Frisinghelli, Betka Medvedova
+ many OGGM and other open-source package contributors

Image missing Image missing

Agenda for today

  1. Why OGGM-Edu?
  2. The "Open Source model"
  3. Graphics
  4. Interactive apps
  5. Computational notebooks
  6. Some technical details

Why OGGM-Edu?

"Minimal Glaciers Models" book, Johannes Oerlemans
"Glaciers", https://phet.colorado.edu
Frank Pattyn, Martin O'Leary: JS-ISM, An interactive ice sheet model

Why edu.oggm.org ?

  • A complement to existing online resources
  • Focus on numerical models and global themes (OGGM)
    but we are open to more topics
  • Target group: instructors and independent learners
  • Open-source, decentralized and collaborative content creation
  • No HTML/Java/CSS/WordPress/...: Python programming language
    (easier entry level for scientists)

The Open Source model

Application example: Clubes de Ciencia Peru
Instructor: Lizz Ultee

Photo: T. León Rojas


Glaciers and climate
Click on the image to advance. Source: Anne Maussion, Atelier les Gros yeux.
Glacier response time
Source: OGGM-Edu.

Interactive applications

Computational Notebooks

Technical "details"

  • Computational environments ("software capsules") hosted on Docker, generated with Repo2Docker
  • Computational notebooks run in JupyterLab hosted on MyBinder
  • Apps written in Python with the HoloViz visualization ecosystem. Server on Google Cloud.
  • OGGM-Edu website generated with Sphinx and hosted on ReadTheDocs

Thank you!

These slides are available at oggm.org/oggm-edu-talk

Creative Commons License
Unless specified otherwise, this presentation is licensed under a
CC BY 4.0 license.